The main activities of our company are focused on the environmental sector, providing integrated services for any project or activity related to environment.
In SEEMAN, we give great emphasis on providing solutions consistent with the principles of sustainable development and modern circular economy, while environmental protection and rational use and management of natural resources is our top priority.
For each problem, the best solution is defined based on the criteria of safety, social acceptance, compatibility with regulations, efficiency as well as economic viability of any project or activity.
Additionally, projects and activities which are associated with phenomena such as floods, droughts or environmental pollution consist part of our professional and scientific activities.
In more detail, SEEMAN provides services in the following sectors:
- Environmental licensing of works and activities
- Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) for any project or activity
- Strategic environmental planning and management
- Collection, transfer, treatment and discharge of liquid waste
- Solid waste management
- Industrial and agricultural waste management
- Assessment of natural hazards and proactive planning
- Remediation of contaminated water systems using natural means
- Soil and groundwater remediation